
Radio Show

Yes, We have our own Radio Show on Desi 1170AM! KOOL KANGAROOS. The only show by kids and for the kids in the bay area on Radio!!!

Selected kids form our after school are given exposure to speak their mind on our Radio Show. This gives a chance to parents and public alike to read minds of young children and see what issues concern them and whats their take on the world as they see it. And, its lot of fun! Children have such deep insight and have such a knack of saying things in such positive and funny way that sometimes our parents get surprised, that its their own child they are listening to!

If you are parent of a child at our After School, talk to us about getting them on radio. If you are general public, tune in on Fridays at 2:30PM. Great Insight, lots of positive energy and lots of fun.

Below are some of the show streams of various students and teachers of Leapstart after school.
[mls_h4]Kool Kangaroos May 16th Show Stream at Desi 1170AM Studio[/mls_h4]

[mls_h4]Kool Kangaroos May 9th Show Stream at Desi 1170AM Studio[/mls_h4]

[mls_h4]Kool Kangaroos May 2nd Show Stream at Desi 1170AM Studio[/mls_h4]